Ice-Fire : Writing

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

Things are changing and nothing is as it seems now. And seems it will never be peacful seeming again.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

Ding dong ding ding dongLifting her head up from her pillow she looked at the clock on her nightstand and tried to figure out who could be at her door..
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

Sighing Kyle looked up at the ceiling of his bedroom wondering what he should do next. "I've made such a huge mess, how the hell do I clean it up?" He..
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

Now Sierra doesn't have to worry about normal muggers and perverts, she also has to worry about demons which seem to be appearing around her. What wil..
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

Chapter 4--------Kyle's PoV-----Grumbling I sat in a concrete cell, and was staring at the door waiting for someone to walk in and tell me just what t..
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

I slowly opened my eyes to a dark room, I groaned and put my palm to my forehead. "What happened," I asked looking around, I was still in the hospital..
Chapter 1 Failure

Chapter 1 Failure

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

I walked to Burnsberry High wondering it the dream I had was just that... or was it something more?"Carmen!"I spun around and saw Spade running toward..
Chapter 2 Questions and Answers

Chapter 2 Questions and Answers

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

"Yes! Finally we're out of here!" I cheered. Doing a slight happy dance."Yeah, who would have thought that school can be so full of boring," Spade sta..
Chapter 3 Unwelcome Newcomers

Chapter 3 Unwelcome Newcomers

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

"What? Seriously? They Exist? When? Where? Wha?" I stammered confused.I jumped before I even heard the door open. I think I just understood what Spade..