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Compartment 114
Compartment 114

xXxCynicalWarsxXx : Writing

Call Me Plum.

Call Me Plum.

A Poem by xXxCynicalWarsxXx

Ihaveabrokenheart. Ihaveaweaksmile. Ihavelittlehopeleft. Ihavesomething Heavencan'tmatch. Ihaveyou. Andthat'senough. Tokeepliving.
I Want To Fall.

I Want To Fall.

A Poem by xXxCynicalWarsxXx

Whydon'tyouknowthatIwanttobewithyou? Despitemyheartacheandmyharrowingwords, Ijustdon'twanttoloseyou. Icannotscreamitnow,myvoiceisshakenbytears. Ia..
Let Me Try.

Let Me Try.

A Poem by xXxCynicalWarsxXx

It'snotlikeI'vefailedentirely,isit? IhavethislookbecauseIamunsure. I'mnotconfidentinmyself. AskmewhyandI'lljustsmilesadly, I'lljustlookaway, Andl..


A Poem by xXxCynicalWarsxXx

Istood. AndIwaited, Foraverylongtime: Waiting, Waiting, Andwaiting Foryou. Iwaitedsolong IforgotwhereIwas. AndwhenIlookedback: Thereyousto..
I Am Alone In This Skin.

I Am Alone In This Skin.

A Poem by xXxCynicalWarsxXx

Isitoutsideasthesnowfalls. Noonewantstojoinme. Iwatchcarspasslikethelovesbefore, Splashingmewithguiltypuddles. Quickandfasttheywere, Buttheyleftm..
The Dead Snakes Still Bark.

The Dead Snakes Still Bark.

A Poem by xXxCynicalWarsxXx

Underneath my pale white skin is black blood. I am a woman, with many flaws to dismiss away. And I do not figure you as I did the rest. You are som..
Damn The Ocean; A Black Storm.

Damn The Ocean; A Black Storm.

A Poem by xXxCynicalWarsxXx

09-13-2012 12:12 pm
Ever In Love.

Ever In Love.

A Poem by xXxCynicalWarsxXx

A song I wrote off the top of my head at 3 in the morn