really random thought-written in a spoken-word format
Not Alone by Darren Criss
just a thought
Really random and weird. Not sure where I was going with this. Spontaneous, as usual. It ended up being all about poems, i think :P
About my favorite show of all time, Glee
My favorite people of all time, Chris Colfer and Darren Criss
And what it means to me
I am a true Gleek
Spontaneous, again. A bit exaggerated. Tried to rhyme, didnt always work.
Another spontaneous (i kinda like these)
for S.A.
I write it as we speak :)
A poem for english class. About the book Night, a book about the Holocaust, where a character is deported for a year, then returns. (he was a very rel..
A Stage Play by Irena
This is my favorite from a Slam Poetry Competition for teens called Brave New Voices. It is called Hir, by Alysia Harris and Aysha El Shamayleh, about..