Huw : Writing

I shall one day.

I shall one day.

A Poem by Huw

I made the decisionthe choice was madethat I would make youthe happiest womanon earth.I soon realisedyou were by naturewoe-man and therewas no-one on ..
.....continuing (Life goes on).

.....continuing (Life goes on).

A Poem by Huw

A man might be subject toa game changerAn experience that changeshis outlook.His view point of life and allhe see's changes.But it is still a gamehis ..
To the grave.

To the grave.

A Poem by Huw

How rare it is to see a rich and genuine lasting, loving smile. So rare I find myself stealing them off the faces of infants in ..
Behold, denominational goats.

Behold, denominational goats.

A Poem by Huw

Dressed in pretence. Wearing garlands of self righteousness Adorned with hypocrisy. Behold, denominational goats.
His foolish heart.

His foolish heart.

A Poem by Huw

There is a knowledge deep within every man he will always deny. There is a fear in each and everyone he will attempt to ignore. Th..
Keep the friend.

Keep the friend.

A Poem by Huw

If you excel at anything then be prepared to face envy and hatred from those are not so blessed. To reign supreme in competition..
''I want to be me''.

''I want to be me''.

A Poem by Huw

He took stock of his lifemeticulously sifting his thoughts.Did he have any longing?Was there an unsatisfied desire?Anythingor anyone missing..
Thirty eight times.

Thirty eight times.

A Poem by Huw

On the surface it seemed you cared. Come to me for help, advice and guidance you said, as a good employer should. Thirty eight y..
My sleep shall be sweet.

My sleep shall be sweet.

A Poem by Huw

You dealt with me despicably Your intents being evil Adding insult to injury you suggest I might desire to recompense with evil. I ..


A Poem by Huw

I've seen you on Facebook with an image you try and project. I've read your sweet sayings and positive pretence. You declare a winne..