


There are seasons to all things ... and a reason's what lies bring ...

Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa
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About Me

There is not much to say about myself.

I'm confusing. Get over that and I'll get under you.
I can't whistle, and when I bath I stick my big toe up the cold-water tap. I'm Bipolar to the extent of going Tripolar. . I have voices in my head that have voices of their own that are too detailed to be understood in a manner that a Reader's Digest-reader would understand them. They argue with each other over the things they agree about, and then ask ME to sit in on their dispute resolutions.
Paediotheplomogists and other *.*ists are ALL of the same opinion that I'm a neurotic, schizophrenic paranoid psychotic pain in the arse. And where they don't quite know how to treat my "ailments," they certainly ARE quite prepared to administer me with copious quantities of Lithium, Bromazepam, Eptitec, Zoloft, and a host of GOOGLE-unidentifiable drugs, before putting me on the heavy s**t.
My ONLY consolation lies in the fact that, where my mind isn't two-ply toilet paper, it IS toilet paper nonetheless.

I detest political correctness and lies.
I make mistakes, and I'm thankful for them.