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About Me

I'm an imperfect Buddhist, married (first time pet-less and looking to change that), am semi retired due to health and related issues (former work in psychology, therapy, grassroots advocacy, research) and now live less than 2 miles from where I grew up. For the past two years I have been a ghost writer and freelance science content writer (mostly neuroscience). As physically able, I'm enjoying (?? mostly enjoying; trying to enjoy???) this second chapter" life: sporadic freelance writing; cooking/baking for charity; assist elderly with technology, provide medical and insurance and daily functional/mobility assistance/education and emotional support for those with chronic illnesses or disability. I have an extensive container garden mostly because I love culinary science but also because I hate what I know my garden loves: bugs and dirt, and the psychologist in me tells me to keep up the exposure. I love to feed people. It never gets old: every day, passionately committed to feeding mine and my community unprocessed made-from-scratch food that is delicious, budget friendly, kind to the environment, "mostly" healthy (make room for treats!), but critically central is the hope that it helps people REALLY taste food. An open palate can cultivate an attitude of curiosity and tolerance--which is always simmering in my home and within myself, a constant work in progress.


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Posted 9 Months Ago

If you ever post some writing, please let me know.