HorrorMaster : Writing

Chapter 3: Kitchen Torture Chamber

Chapter 3: Kitchen Torture Chamber

A Chapter by HorrorMaster

Few years laterAn alternative correction: A few years after the disappearances of the five young metal stoners.A couple name Ashley and Tom. They wer..
Chapter 4: A hero

Chapter 4: A hero

A Chapter by HorrorMaster

It’s been Six Months Later since the two missing travelers has gone missing.In Austin Texas, on a Saturday afternoon . A strong tattooed 50 yea..
Clowns of the dead

Clowns of the dead

A Book by HorrorMaster

A young man name Josh burn being so obsessed with clowns. He in up bring back the dead clowns from the graves to kill all his friends and everyone.
Chapter 1: Daddy you killed my clowns

Chapter 1: Daddy you killed my clowns

A Chapter by HorrorMaster

In Tampa, Florida on a Friday - at midnight, an 18-year-old boy named Josh burn loves clowns so much. He has loved clowns since he was 4 years old. ..
Chapter 2: Dead War

Chapter 2: Dead War

A Chapter by HorrorMaster

Few months later A young man named Tom Wayne, who is about 19 years old. He loved clowns so much. His favorite movie was all killer clowns movies..
Chapter 3: Prison

Chapter 3: Prison

A Chapter by HorrorMaster

One Month Later Josh Burn burns in the deepest fires of hell. His eternal pain is outstanding. He can no longer raise evil on the Ear..
Nightmare Stories

Nightmare Stories

A Book by HorrorMaster

Enter in my nightmares. I will tell you short nightmare stories on what I had when I fall a sleep. Don't Go to Sleep or Freddy will go in your nightma..


A Chapter by HorrorMaster

A Nightmare I had a while back about a gruesome monster. Sorry if it's kinda short.
The Soul Reaper

The Soul Reaper

A Chapter by HorrorMaster

A Nightmare I had about a soul reaper that suck out my family and friend soul after killing them with his scythe
Hall of Mirrors

Hall of Mirrors

A Chapter by HorrorMaster

A nightmare I had when I was in a carnival. Sorry if the story is too short.