HoneyHoneyMomo : Writing

Destiny Isle

Destiny Isle

A Book by HoneyHoneyMomo

The sunlight was strong as i jumped out of bed and popped my head out of the window,a slight cool breeze,it felt good,i loved summer weather.I smiled ..
Destiny Isle Part 1

Destiny Isle Part 1

A Chapter by HoneyHoneyMomo

A collision of ideas that came into my mind from seeing diffrerent things,from a dream i had also.
Destiny Isle Part 2

Destiny Isle Part 2

A Chapter by HoneyHoneyMomo

Continutation of Destiny Isle Part 1 I Spelt Tadoka's name wrong in the first one,srry!it's actually Takoda meaning friendly to everyone.
Destiny Isle Part 3

Destiny Isle Part 3

A Chapter by HoneyHoneyMomo

Continuation of Destiny Isle Part 1 and 2
Destiny Isle Part 4

Destiny Isle Part 4

A Chapter by HoneyHoneyMomo

"The ancient ones of worlds time and change,only thee could speak with it and be unharmed"The Shaman said to me."You are a key to a new world,a world ..

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