Sadness defines the way you want to live your life.
In dreamy state, I hope to fly,
Beyond this world where soonI shall die,
Iwill break free to go to the world Iwant to be,
Time and space cannot sto..
Late at night,
Ihear the wind howling,
My imagination hears a growl,
After such a depressing day I wonder why I've not fallen,
So late at night,
Days and stuff hated.
A sickening feeling,
A liquid coating of despair,
Butterflies flutter in my stomach,
Hot fire runs down my throat,
Curling in a ball of doubt,
Inspired by characters like Gon (Hunter x Hunter) and Goku (Saiyuki).
Inspired by a character, Hisoka and others like him.
Work emotions + mentioning of Swine Flu
Running away from everything I've ever known,
Dashing through the crowds of unavoidable people,
Where am I to go?
I'll go anywhere but here,
My fe..
We all fight through the day and I, for one, have a difficult time trying to get through the day without something sad happening and when it happens I..