Dr Sharmila Parajuli : Writing

Don't teach me about Professionalism, my friend!!

Don't teach me about Professionalism, my friend!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

Whether it's your first job or one you've had for a long time; it's always helpful to know what it takes to be professional in the workplace!
Life after Forty!

Life after Forty!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

My experiences of life after I crossed 40 few years back!
Illusions of truth!!

Illusions of truth!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

What is the real truth? We should not try to discover the nature of the truth by the exercise of our imagination
Journey from Loneliness to Solitude !!!

Journey from Loneliness to Solitude !!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

When you learn to differentiate between the two, your life becomes very beautiful, Trust me
Live your life without Apologies!

Live your life without Apologies!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

You don't have to defend or explain your decisions to anyone


A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

One sided love- story of one of my closest friend from med school put in words
Coping with cancer in the family!!

Coping with cancer in the family!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

From diagnosis and throughout- dealing with a family member with cancer
A simple tale of drifting apart- who do you blame?

A simple tale of drifting apart- who do you blame?

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

Story of you and your sibling who had a very close relationship in childhood but drifted apart as time passed
Humor or disguised disrespect?

Humor or disguised disrespect?

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

There is definitely a fine line between humor or disrespect or being funny and mildly insulting
Choose to Challenge!!

Choose to Challenge!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

Bravo to all the women who show courage in the toughest situations in life. You're allowed to vocalize how the abuse makes you feel!