Dr Sharmila Parajuli : Writing

The winds, the waves and the calm !!

The winds, the waves and the calm !!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

My friend called her new car's color "blue"I thought the color was green and it's trueI didn't want to argue on this simple statementBecause I was gen..
What does my birthday mean to me ?

What does my birthday mean to me ?

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

"To myself on my birthday"


A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

It's difficult when people say "You are being overdramatic"But, do they really try to understand the emotions that you're going through in that attic?..
Exercise the act of speaking!!!

Exercise the act of speaking!!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

What we don't realize is that the power to listen first can transform your life and those of your loved ones too..
What the last year taught me!!

What the last year taught me!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

The last year taught me a lot including who are really there for you when you are at your lowest in health and spirits and that making yourself happy ..
Love yourself; never give up!!

Love yourself; never give up!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

For all the beautiful girls out there; own it, live it, love it!!
Yes, I am a Runner!!!

Yes, I am a Runner!!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

This poem is especially dedicated to all the working mothers who are struggling every single day to balance her personal and professional life!!
Speak with honesty and act with integrity!!

Speak with honesty and act with integrity!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

Nobody ever asks if you are okay, but they try a hundred times to make sure that you are not okay....
Nothing is more painful than rejection!!

Nothing is more painful than rejection!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

Whether the rejection we experience is large or small, one thing remains constant — it always hurts, and it usually hurts more than we expect it..
Solitude- My experiments with tranquility!!

Solitude- My experiments with tranquility!!

A Poem by Dr Sharmila Parajuli

Trust your journey and live your life.....

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