A composition of mine in Classical Latin touching my own OVER-CROSS new notion. TEMPLVM is “temple”, in both the Greek, or Roman or Cartha..
A composition of mine in Classical Latin touching my own ontology, in now further reference to my own OVER-CROSS new conception. DEBELLATOR means &ldq..
A composition of mine in Classical Latin and ancient Greek. The title VELTRVM is a latinization (neuter) of Dante’s Veltro, the Greyhound, in Ca..
A brief epic of mine in Anglo-Saxon, as ending in Classical latin.
Set after the Battle of Brunanburh in A.D. 937, this brief epic of mine in archaic Scots, Classical Latin, Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse and ancient Greek, t..
Set in A.D. 1187, this epic of mine in Cassic Latin, Ancient Greek, Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse tells of a clash between two knights who are in fact the..
A brief composition of mine in archaic Scottish, as associated with the moon as seen at the Callanish Standing Stones. “Wlf” is an archaic..
This composition of mine, mainly in archaic Scottish alongside Anglo-Saxon and classical Latin, focuses on my own philosophical notion of will (&ldquo..
Divided into distinct narrative phases, this poem of mine illustrates the story of a wanderer in the Highlands of 11th Century Scotland. Fundamental p..
A composition of mine suggesting an enigma. "Ah" is Scottish for "I". "VEXILLA FULMINIS PRODEUNT UNIVERSI" reads "The Banners of the Cosmic Lightning ..