This is an extra poem I wrote after finishing my anthology, trying to explore a new style of poetry of almost pure imagery and sensory information.
All the pieces inside of this poem have something to do with how the heart, in all its emotional saliences, controls people's every thought, even when..
It starts this last section of the anthology with a somber tone and a tight structure to reflect the ghost aspect of the speaker, bound to be unseen b..
This poem tells the story of a forlorn Swan that finally finds his true love but ends up discovering she is an illusion of his own desperate desires.
As the last poem of the third chapter, it establishes the war between love and hopelessness the speaker is caught between after his misadventures with..
Well, I tried something a little bit different here. The questions mark my confusion as to how someone I once called a friend began ignoring me and de..
This poem marks a turning point for the speaker's emotions and the first piece of the third chapter. He reached a relative maximum high, and now every..
Violet is that friend that feels like she knows you deeply, even if you don't know each other for long. But for a person who feels invisible, how much..
The motif of flowers is key to the second chapter. We know Rose already, so Tulip is the next character the anthology introduces.
This is the first poem of the second chapter, and it is supposed to show my new found love for this new person I met that made me feel amazing after a..