Helen : Writing

Chapter 6: Frog Island

Chapter 6: Frog Island

A Chapter by Helen

The time had come for Leana and Wounded Child to leave the holy and healing place that had come to seem as if it were the whole world. Leana crossed t..
Chapter 7: Lord Pompadour

Chapter 7: Lord Pompadour

A Chapter by Helen

Leana was overjoyed to see Teddy. Words could not express her relief, or her delight at her own and Wounded Child’s reunion with their maverick ..
Chapter 8: Escape to King Power Court

Chapter 8: Escape to King Power Court

A Chapter by Helen

The group hastened to make their escape, safe in the knowledge - for now at least - that Lord Pompadour was not in a position to follow them. He would..
Chapter 9: The dungeon

Chapter 9: The dungeon

A Chapter by Helen

Leana followed Garsoon’s instructions, and sure enough, she soon found herself in the bowels of the castle. Nothing in her life or experience ha..
Chapter 10: The deep sleep

Chapter 10: The deep sleep

A Chapter by Helen

Taking a single giant leap, the frog took Leana to the tree, and to joyful reunion with her friends. Leana was becoming more accustomed to the magic, ..
Chapter 11: the birth

Chapter 11: the birth

A Chapter by Helen

Blood splattered onto the ceiling in the small semi-detached house. The child, blue from strangulation, let out a gasp and a cry, as the cord that had..
Chapter 12: We are here

Chapter 12: We are here

A Chapter by Helen

And so it was that Helen grew, with love and without love. And the harshness of her name, and the loneliness of her life were softened by the messages..
Chapter 13: Such is life

Chapter 13: Such is life

A Chapter by Helen

The next day Jim Dolan took his two daughters for a walk, far enough and long enough for his wife to leave.Helen couldn't remember if her father had s..
Chapter 14: Wayward child

Chapter 14: Wayward child

A Chapter by Helen

Her mother leaving had almost broken Helen, and she stayed alive mainly because she looked forward to her nightly encounters with the two small spirit..
Chapter 15: The end is nigh

Chapter 15: The end is nigh

A Chapter by Helen

The year was 1988, and few remembered Dark Lord Pompadour, but his hold on the land was still strong. Most people still believed in his legacy, in the..

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