Helen : Writing

An ode to my therapist, Delia

An ode to my therapist, Delia

A Chapter by Helen

a poem about an experience of counselling / psychotherapy
Oh Shame! Oh Pain!

Oh Shame! Oh Pain!

A Chapter by Helen

A poem about the experiences of a Wounded Child
My name is Helen and I am

My name is Helen and I am

A Book by Helen

Fairy story


A Chapter by Helen

Description of the book 'My name is Helen and I am'


A Chapter by Helen

Long, long ago …… in a time before you knew, there were two small figures sitting by a lake and dreaming, remembering events yet to pass..
Chapter 1: Destiny

Chapter 1: Destiny

A Chapter by Helen

For now, at least, Leana would stay close to the frog, and to Teddy, who had been her most precious and faithful companion. She felt a deep joy within..
Chapter 2: Wounded Child

Chapter 2: Wounded Child

A Chapter by Helen

And so it was that Leana found herself, all alone, outside the cave where Black Annis lived. She peered into the dark, dank entrance and shuddered. It..
Chapter 3: The deal is undone

Chapter 3: The deal is undone

A Chapter by Helen

Wounded Child was no longer crying. She knew that this was what she had needed to do all along. Like Leana, she knew the stories of Black Annis, and s..
Chapter 4: A mother's love

Chapter 4: A mother's love

A Chapter by Helen

True to her word, Leana was still sitting, very still, at the cave entrance. She clapped her hands with joy to see Wounded Child return. The two young..
Chapter 5: It's my power

Chapter 5: It's my power

A Chapter by Helen

The next thing that Leana saw was the morning sunshine, shining dappled green through the leaves of the Great Oak Tree. She felt as if she had been sl..