Task for Textual Interventions.
Suppose you
were the last. Just take a moment. Suppose you were the last, what does that
mean? It means that you have watched us all pass aw..
Task One For Creative Writing, Year 2 Semester 2
I worry about you my unparalleled friend,
turning to books for an emotional fix,
but offering no wounds I’d have to tend.
Talking matter-of..
A commentary on the story Inspiration which I have posted earlier. Hopefully it will make the story more interesting and fill in a few unanswered ques..
Story About How Poets And Authors Used To Get Inspired By Taking Drugs, I will Also Upload A Full Commentary To This Incase You're Interested :)
How have I come to think of my presence on this planet?
And the fading negative I leave when I depart
I do not leap to the footprints in the sand,
Palms pressed up, unflinchingly on the glass,
Hands like these,
Light eyes stare, locked in those glimmering blacks,
That give it back to you,
Red and blue kites tumbling in the wind,
Lying in a sun bathed field.
Tall grass whispers,
Jeans wet from dew.
Beams gleaming and filter through l..
Reworked And Added To For My Fourth Creative Writing Portfolio. "Transposed" from the image.