My birthday is November 12, 1994. I was born and raised in Minnesota and am loving it, despite the mosquitoes and the six month winter.
It would be AMAZING if you reviewed something of mine if I review something of yours!
I am a firm believer that words and music connect people across the world, even if we don't realize it.
I'm also a firm believer that people have a right to their own opinions. In other words, don't judge people for their religion or sexuality or what not, it's their lives, not yours.
I write a lot of short stories and novellas, and some longer books and poems. About half of my writing is on here. The one that I'm working on right now are Adventures with a Dragon.
I like cats, the color blue, and Daniel Craig, and I'm allergic to pollen, mold, perfume, and green apples.
Everything You Want People to Know
Full Name | Rachel Nelson |
DOB | November 12, 1994 |
Eye color | Brown |
Hair color | Brown |
Right or Left handed | Right |
Height | 5' 4.5" |
Your Weakness | chocolate |
Your Fear | dogs |
Your Heritage | German, Czech, French, Irish, Native American, and many more! |
Most Overused Phrase | I don't wanna! |
First Thoughts Waking Up | I like this song! |
Time You Wake Up | 6:10 |
Bedtime | What bedtime? |
Most Missed Memory | Twins games |
Pepsi or coke | Coke |
McDonalds or Burger King | Micky D's! |
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea | neither |
Chocolate or Vanilla | chocolate |
Cappuccino or Coffee | cappuccino |
Cat or Dog | cat |
Republican or Democrat | Democrat |
Up or Down | Up |
Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty | Half full |
Blue or Green | blue |
Red or Black | black |
White or Purple | purple |
Rock, Country, or Rap | rock |
Big or Small | big |
Tall or Short | tall |
Fat or Skinny | skinny |
Hairy or Smooth | smooth |
Poop or Pee | wtf... |
Night or Day | night |
DO YOU... |
Smoke | no |
Drink Alcohol | no |
Steal | no |
Sing | yes |
Shower Daily | yes |
Want to Get Married | yes |
Want Kids | yes |
Think You Are Attractive | on REALLY good days |
Get Along With Your Parents | sometimes... |
Like Thunderstorms | nope |
Play An Instrument, if so what one | yes, Piano and Violin |
Band | All American Rejects/Green Day |
Song | Dynamite |
Movie | Quantum of Solace |
Color | dark blue |
Animal | cat |
Food | bbq chicken |
Candy | hershey dark chocolate bars |
Alcoholic Drink | none |
Non-Alcoholic Drink | diet coke |
Sport | tennis/baseball |
Time or Day | sunset/Saturday |
Holiday | Halloween |
Game | Battle of the Sexes |
Alcoholic Beverages you've Tried | 0 |
Movies You Own | 60+ |
Stolen Items in Your Room | 0 |
Pets | 1 |
Brothers and Sisters | 0 |
Emo cuttings on Your Body | 0 |
Drugs You've Taken | 0 |
CDs You Own | 60+ |
Piercings | 0 |
Tattoos | 0 |
Smoked | no |
Drank Alcohol | no |
Been on Drugs | no |
Stolen Anything | no |
Been Dumped | no |
Been Skinny Dipping | no |
Eaten Sushi | no |
Madeout with the SAME sex , oppisite sex | no |
Broken the Law, Been Arrested | yes, no |
Been Beaten up | no |
Been to a Real Party.. non of that B-day s**t | no |
Been Molested, raped | no |
Been Cheated on | no |
Been Emo | no |
ARE YOU... |
a cheater | no |
a virgin | yes |
racist | no |
prejudice | no |
a s**t/man w***e | no |
pimp/pimpet | no |
wigger/wigget | no |
poser | no |
a drugy | no |
Somedays Wanting to Die.. how | no |
gay/lesbian | no |
Tell us YOUR answers to this survey! Click HERE! |
Created by, taken 514 times. Created at - Kwizzes, Polls and Surveys! |
If you want to know more about me, check out my facebook, Rachel Nelson, message me on here, or email me at