Garmer is based off the Norse dog Garmr. In Norse mythology, he was the bloodstained guardian of Hel's gate. Enjoy... :)
In less than two weeks, the video went viral. The late night circuits added references to Jarvis' moves linking them to everything from White House p..
"All gave some, some gave all. Some stood through for the red, white, and blue and some had to fall..." BRC
Officer Matthew Richardson was the rookie on the Southside beat. It was boring taking on reports of vandalism, and childish robberies, but it would t..
If you cannot laugh at yourself, you cannot begin to take yourself seriously.
"Em blue boys done fount 'im out Emma! Ha haaa, sure did! I'n give up my erv'rythin just ta see what he'n been up ta all'is time. Jussa li'l peekabo..
A rehashing of an old thought with nods to Fight Club and Drop Dead Fred.
"This is Jarvis Alton Bertstrum. I am beginning the search for what MIT would not let me finish out of their own ignorance and fear of the unknown. I..
The Chief was red faced and he stood, arms folded, snickering to himself. Everyone else had varying expressions of disbelief and confusion. Avery sig..
The grandfather clock tolls
a solemn tone at a quarter to one. Bishop lays curled by the
fireplace sleeping uneasily. The fire crackles and spi..