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About Me

I am a hyper person, at times, and I know when to get serious. I love Anime and Manga! Yep! ^^ I'd love to be your friend! *smiles*
I am very optimistic, and I always try to find the good in people.

~Smile. Jesus loves you.~



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Posted 15 Years Ago

Erotica Comments

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Posted 16 Years Ago

my pleasure. ^-^ I'm just trying to make people happy again by making people review again. it makes people sad and now I get it why my friends say cheer up! lol ^-^

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hey Stefanie,

Its okay I went to indianna with my parents just to spend time with them there since I haven't done that in a while.Writing the book hasn't been easy sometimes I have those days where I can't place the pencil on the paper.Then there are those where I can't stop writing at all.I am looking forward to hearing from you when you get back on.thanks on the comment on my pic I like yours too.well i better go I have to go to work tommorrow...ughg gh sometimes working can be a drag but it worth

love and light


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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago

stefanie I an dropping by to ask you how have things been going? Me things are busy as usual with all the school final exams and working. As for my book I forgot to tell you that I am on the 5th chapter and I will be sure to add them on here for you to read. You should believe in yourself that you can write great. What I think is that you are a great writer and don't let others tell you differently.Take care ttyl


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Myspace Comments

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey Stefanie,

i was wondering of you would like to submitt some of your writing in my contest:Writing from your heart. You have a talent for writing and this will help me get to know you better not only as a friend but as a writer.I would be glad to have you.

god bless

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Myspace Comments