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Hannah, 15. New Zealand. I'd love anyone to review my poems I really aprreciate it, thanks.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi Hannah,

Just read your poem "Promise".. just wonderful. Your writing is exceptional, especially for your age. I would have loved to write like you do when I was 15.

When I get the time I'm going to read "Walking Into The Light",

if you could read my stuff I'd much appreciate it!

Keep writing :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you for the review on 'Jealousy' Appreciated.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank u sooooooooooooo much for your review! It meant a lot it was so encouraging thank you :-)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you for the friendship. Have a great weekend!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hi I accepted ur friend request. Thnx 4 adding me

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Posted 13 Years Ago

thank you for the add.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thanks for the excellent and detailed feedback on Dreamwalkers, greatly appreciated, Hannah! I've broken down the first chapter into smaller portions for easier reading on the internet. Most folks don't have tons of time for reading online, and are just looking for a quickie. I've got a couple of chapters actually written, but characters and the unfolding story in my head keep locking themselves away. I'm hoping the excellent feedback people offer here will draw out the rest of the story so I can finally finish Dreamwalkers.

As the chapter title, The Dreamers, might imply... we're still meeting all the characters. Wonderful to hear that you can see it playing in your mind as you read! Exactly what I was hoping for as I introduce everyone. Readers at this point are meant to get clear impressions of the major players while still wondering what the story is all about. Curiousity may have killed the cat, but it has also drawn a lot of readers into stories! :o) Thanks again for invaluable feedback!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Brighten Your Corner

We cannot all be famous
or be listed in "Who's Who,"
But every person great or small,
Has important work to do.

For seldom do we realize
the importance of small deeds,
Or to what degree of greatness
Unnoticed kindness leads.

For it's not the big celebrity
in a world of fame and praise,
But it's doing unpretentiously
In an undistinguished way.

It is the work that we're assigned,
unimportant as it seems,
That makes our task outstanding,
And brings reality to dreams.

So do not sit and idly wish
for wider new dimensions
Where you can fantasize about
Your many good intentions.

But at the spot you are right now
begin at once to do
Little things to brighten up
The lives surrounding you.

If everybody brightened up
the spot where they are standing,
By being more considerate,
And a little less demanding,

This dark old world would very soon
eclipse the evening star,
If everybody brightened up
The corner where they are!

Brighten up your corner today!

~ Helen Steiner Rice