Will be edited, several times I hope.
An old GAP baseball;
The reason and subject of fond memories.
You're battered and bashed,
You're scratched,
But you're still clean,
Thank god.
A warm, Spanish night,
Sitting out onthe balcony.
Do you remember?
You showed me how to reset an iPod,
Whilst softly singing 'More Than A Feelin..
For the lack of all things sane,
For the abundance of stupidity,
For the sheer joy a baseball can bring,
For the warmth of the sun,
And the warmth..
Sometimes you've got to say thankyou.
<restore settings? y/n>
Back to normal.
Familiar sight, familiar sound.
<run program TS.bak? y/n>
Shut up.
Get out.
I honestly don't care.
Lying to you.
Lying to myself.
I honestly do care.
I don't give a crap.
About you.
About her.
I'd like to see them try.
So, I guessed your name,
My formless friend, finally taking shape. Back, Cack, Dack,
Though, I admit. Fack, Gack, Hack
It has taken me fo..
Discussions about our own little nerdish things,
Your 'totally epic idea' for a manga,
Your first, you say.
My new ideas,
Most certainly not my fi..