IT was around twelve thirty, after lunch, and Gabby and I were a few steps away from Lighthouse Book Shoppe.
That morning, I told my..
WORKING the coffee bar again. It was busier than yesterday, and I had less time to zone out on different people in the store.
Again, I started this book a while ago, maybe when I was 14. It's under extreme re-vamp right now, so some chapters wont be coming up for a while!!
THE WINDOW started to streak with rain, gliding down the glass. Each drop would meet my eyes, reflecting the green, and then disappear..
“LAURIE, SWEET heart. Wake up.”
Aunt Rachel was kneeling beside my bed, smelling of sweet perfume and wearing matching sati..
I REMEMBER the first day of third grade, when we have moved from Bethel, Maine to Richfield, Connecticut where we lived for eight year..
"OH MY God, it's Laurie!
The woman, around 60 or 65 came waddling over to me from the other side of the cul-de-sac, the house to the ..
"HAVE YOU eaten today, Laurie?"
Of course I have eaten. I'm no anorexic. And besides... I am getting over it. I still thought of ..
HE SAT alone in the dark room. There was one small desk-lamp, where he was sitting at his computer, and all I could hear was his occas..
IT WASN'T what I imagined it to be. there was little to no dancing, and there wasn't any punch. Instead, there was a large, metal, bar..