On the Cross
Long ago on the cross,
Soon to be covered in moss,
Jesus came and died,
Others treated him like a hide,
He could have came and ..
Gods Men
I see all other men,
During our Gen,
Having sex out of lust,
Saying, “Live life or bust”
Stealing from each other
When ..
It is yet another Christian poem
I walk with an empty soul,
I feel trapped and unwhole,
All my sin bound me,
Demons all laughing around me,
They torture and scream at me,
It explains how i feel when I look to the future.
GodConquers All
I lay in bed one night,
As I walk in the dream I see such a fright,
A demon calling me,
I then notice shackles on my feat,
Soon I..
It's my second poem to help me with life.
"My first poem.