A short poem I had to do 9th grade year of High-school, it was inspired by the Owl City song "Cave In"
Inspired by "Along the Road" and "Haunted" by radical face
A desert lies before,
And a shadow voyages along.
The piercing sun burns above,
And the grating sand chafts below,
As the wind beats feroc..
A poem inspired by a great band called Radical Face. I hope you like it! Let me know what you think!
An interesting little poem that was inspired by a song I heard the other day. Don't really remember the name, anyway hear ya go!
An interesting little piece I was inspired to write reading several stories and poems about break ups. Here ya go!
A poem expressing life as it has been as of late, anyway, enjoy!
Another fun little poem inspired by life, especially during those winter months! Hope you enjoy!
My challenge to write multiple short poems. Hope you enjoy it, they range in different styles and genres. Mostly rhyme based.
(P.S. The image is of A..
A poem inspired by the titles and works of Port Blue, Adam Young's side project. Enjoy!