A Chapter by halo
They say, that one man can't ever make a difference. It's a lie, one man can make a difference. All it takes is the will and need to fight and a singl..
A Chapter by halo
May 19th, 20110600 hoursKoeler residents*Ring* *Ring* I picked up phone, still tired. "Hello." I said. "Koeler get to the base we're moving out. Be he..
A Book by halo
A first person veiw of a team of navy SEALs
A Chapter by halo
Planet Reqium, a Forerunner world. 2301."hello my leige." a forerunner bowed in front of forerunner with a large crown. "What news do you bring to me?..
A Chapter by halo
After the landing of the Forerunners, they suddenly disappered only leaving behind their technology and knowledge. Well over the years humanity used t..
A Chapter by halo
The Pelican landed in a open area and was greeted by a figure sitting in a hovering chair with a large crown of the top of its head. "Welcome to our p..
A Chapter by halo
Planet Reach, 2530. "How we are we going to find one scientist on this planet?" "With time, and she's right there." A Pelican landed in a clearing ju..
A Chapter by halo
Earth, 2536 Five years after the war started.In the darkness of night two kids lay in a feild of tall grass. One silhouettedby the shade. The other il..
A Chapter by halo
Reach, Dr.Halseys lab, 2536"I've done it! The SPARTAN-II program is know made. Just need canidates." The door behind her opened. Halsey looked to see ..
A Chapter by halo
Jackson looked at the boy he met at the orphanage. He was now twelve. He had gone through intense training and was ready. Ready to be a Spartan. "Well..