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A Poem by HeIsWe

Cursed Cursed

A Poem by HeIsWe

Life In Ruins Life In Ruins

A Poem by HeIsWe

Why Why

A Poem by HeIsWe

About Me

My favorite series is The Mortal Instruments.
My favorite day is Wednesday because the week is almost over.
My favorite thing is my writing.

My personality is kinda weird and I can be very mean, I know most people say I'm smart but I can be a total blonde.I'm a country girl according to my family, I have a hard time trusting people.I live in a small town and know everybody in the town.I usually will tell you if I hate you or if you made me mad(not always).Actually I most likely won't tell you if I'm mad.

I'm AWESOME! Joking :D


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Wishing you a Happy New Year 2013! Be safe my friend!~xoxo~:)

Source: liveinternet.ru via Cheryl on Pinterest

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Took A Quiz And This Is What I Got:

The key to your heart is turquoise with waves and swirls on it, symbolising a dreamy, thoughtful and imaginative soulmate. This fits with you very well as you share the same interests as them: poetry, drawing etc. They like to share ideas and they have big dreams and they have a big mind to explore those opportunities. They are the sort of person who will give you advice and will offer to help you with things which is just what you could ever need. They are seen as shy but perhaps you could change that.