I _______________________ do solemnly swear that these are my choices after my soulhas departed from our dear mother earth.Sworn before ______________..
false idols, false godsso says the daisy to the rosebehind, the wind streamsthe moon beamslakes of mirrors glowrose will knowdaisy is so blessedbut no..
soar into the skylet your soul replenishcaptivate the starsnuzzle with the cloudsburn yourself with the sunsettle in on the moonwords are like flyingh..
I am the biggest wavemove out of my waylittle waves are so unnoticedI am the sea itselfbanging on the shorelittle waves struggleI am roaring todaymove..
unwinds itself all the way down but once the bottom is hit never again does it fit so ..
Walk so crisp.Air so clean.What a perfect,mountain scene.Woods to guard,water to drink.Who in the world,Would ever think?That Mr. Tom Tucker,was on th..
B ringingU rgentD ecisionsG ettingE ducationT wistedLottery -will paytax payer -will payfederal government-not accountable
The Devils theme park is open!!!Rides that will blow your mind!The cheat on your spouse spooky house.Drugs of time has the longest line.Car theft merr..
Gold winged little nymph,bringing me unwanted gifts.A gift of a crown worn by the Lord.A gift of life forever more.I hold this crown in my open hands...
Hand is on the door, this girl can only be 15.What she must be thinking ,so young, so brave.She made it through the protesters to this door.The things..