LAST TIME ON BEYBLADE! Braxton decides that Archer's training would be useless if he isn't an SS bladed like his mentor, and changes Diamond Jester t..
LAST TIME ON BEYBLADE! Angelo and Todd are ambushed once again, but by all the bladers of Firefury. Todd is knocked out by a special move from an SS ..
LAST TIME ON BEYBLADE! Finally reaching The Firefury clan's headquarters, Todd and Angelo's request is turned down. As they were about to leave, they..
I don't own any characters or dragons except those that are made up. The rest belongs to Dreamworks SKG.
The sun was coming up over the mountains. Harla knew that at the end of the day, it would set down into the ocean, and set the water afire with reds,..
"I didn't tell you to wake up the whole village you useless reptile!" Harla hissed at the behemoth of a dragon. She was about to continue, but stoppe..
The wind blew through Harla's long braid as she flew off to Siv's house. Flying was definitely the best feeling in the world. She soon reached her fr..
Gunnhild's house stood on posts in a rice marsh on the edge of town. As Harla, and Siv landed their dragons on the shore, A green dragon with gills b..
back in the air above Berk again, Harla was slightly embarassed. Instead of her usual clothes, she was wearing a chain mail knee-length skirt, leggin..
"WHERE IN THE NAME OF LOKI ARE THEY!?" Urso roared silently to himself. It had been nearly half an hour since they had split up. Urso had already take..