Rogue Daffodil

Rogue Daffodil


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About Me

Essence of Spring

Wandering Ivy

PhotobucketI am the Rogue Daffodil, the flower that blooms to herald the Spring. My petals are pure rays of Sunshine, melting into your skin like a warm, soft kiss. My fragrance is mellow and sweet, unyielding to the harshness of Winter's passing. Know that when I rise, I carry hope. Know that when I wither, I will be born anew in the Spring.

I give thanks to all who have taken the time to drop by my page at any given moment, especially those who have offered reviews. I may not be able to thank you all individually, but you have my sincerest gratitude. Your encouragement is a blessing without which, I would surely have thrown in the towel.

At the moment, I am writing a Dark Fantasy novel with a pinch of romance, violence and sensuality thrown in. It is titled 'Carnelian'. It is a labor of love, and I would truly appreciate constructive criticism. Do try to be polite though, as I am not one who enjoys having my writing torn to shreds. That said, if you find something that just doesn't sit well with you, please let me know. I post my novels here because I want to improve, not because I want undeserved praise or pats on the back.

As for Read Requests, if you are on my friends list, they are on right now. Don't go crazy, or I will turn them off again.

So, that's me. I hope you enjoy your time visiting my page. Happy Writing!Photobucket

Wandering Ivy

Blessed Dawn

My Lady, now with all Your might I ask You to descend Your light unto this prayer whispered here on this blessed day. My love abounds and moves around the clouded sky and growing ground. I ask of You to share Your peace with I who seek to be released from all that is base and ill inside the flower of my mind. Only seeds of joy and love shall grow to be the bulging bud that sprouts a vine of Power true connecting me to brightest You. As above, so below, I am a channel now to flow the proper start of morning, for Blessed Dawn is forming! And as it forms the vine surrounds my troubled mind and lifts off pounds of fear and pain and other evils dragging my will down! When they are gone a veil of flowers now shall spring forth from the Power offered here from You to me! This is our will, Blessed Be!

Wandering Ivy

butterfly burst

Wandering Ivy

I am one of them

Wandering Ivy


Wandering Ivy


I sit
I wait
I see
I know
Awareness dies, and consciousness fades
I sleep
I dream
I fly
I grow
Though I know not the depth, through the Water I wade
I climb
I fall
I rise
I go forth
Bliss is the prize at the end of the line
I walk
I crawl
I seek
I look North
And when I have found it, true Freedom is mine

Wandering Ivy


Wandering Ivy


I Am
Born of this World
Born of the Universe
A Child stepping forth from the Mother's arms
And She shall watch over me and guide me
And in Her Love will I live forever
For She shields me from the enemies of Liberty and shelters me from the cruelty of Injustice
Her Voice is evident in the song of the trees
It is evident in the Law of Life and human justice
It is evident in the cries of the millions seeking Freedom in Her Honor
For She is their Mother when they know Her and when they know Her not
Never did She abandon Her Children
Never did She forsake the fruit of Her own Being
She stands beside us, within us and speaks through us
All of us
I am Her vessel, pure to dispense Her Sacred Wisdom
For I am the Spark of Life
And the Blood, and the Body, and the Breath as well
So Mote it Be

Wandering Ivy


No truer words have ever been spoken. It has been so in my life, that when I learned not to compromise myself for the sake of another's perception or opinion, harmony with the one who dwells within was finally realized. These words are my gift to you. Take them into your heart, become them, and transform them into your own perfect truth.

Wandering Ivy

Masked Butterfly

I wear a Mask of Transformation
I change each face you see
All that you know is an Illusion, all that you feel, a fallacy

To suit each situation
I become what you want most
But ever you remember, my form is but a ghost

That which dwells within
The Truth above all truths
The reflection in the Mirrored Wall, was never me, �twas you

I am but a shell
A chrysalis of sorts
And if you truly seek to know, walk the long Path, not the short

Hardship is your teacher
Adversity your friend
Run not from confrontation, it will catch you in the end

And as you face your deepest fear
With naught but your own salty tears
Know that I am always here, and have been from the start

For, child, I am everything
The Stars, the Moon, the Earth, the Sea
Every life which dwells herein is but a part of me

So, take these words I say to you
Be purposeful, be strong
And when you find your way back home, know you�ve been here all along

Wandering Ivy

Great Work from Awesome Writers:

If There Is A God
A Poem by Fabian G. Franklin

Family Feast
A Story by T. Jones

Fish Dinner
A Story by Roy L. Pickering Jr.

A Poem by Jasmina Amethyst Pendragon

The Grind
A Poem by Nicole Hellene

Wandering Ivy

Completed Contest:

May 19, 2008 - Jul 1, 2008
Win serentiy, and the satisfaction of telling a story.

Aurora Petals
Sep 4, 2007 - Oct 4, 2007
Win the chance to share beauty among your fellow writers.

Butterfly Dreams
Aug 4, 2007 - Sep 4, 2007
Win Pride, the most valuable currency.

Wandering Ivy


[send message]

Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi...I'm wondering...just wondering how your awsome
self is doing... I would love to know

[send message]

Posted 16 Years Ago


I need more of Carnelian.

Please and thank you? :)

[send message]

Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh, I must say I can't wait for more...I'm hooked. xD
Anyway, it's weird, but I found yet another picture....

[send message]

Posted 16 Years Ago

Well, I was messing around on devArt, and I found a picture that reminded me of your Possession story...

That's it!

[send message]

Posted 16 Years Ago

.. thanks.. they are real easy to get
just send emails to your contact
and what not.. invite some people
So how are you

[send message]

Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey... wonderful profile, I love those pictures. Anyway, I just dropped by to see if you'd written any more chaps of "Carnelian" but see you haven't... :( Oh well, I'll keep hoping. Have a good week and good writing,


[send message]

Posted 16 Years Ago

Life is a sexually transmitted disease.
-R.D Lang

[send message]

Posted 16 Years Ago

did I say snip of a tad..?
mm.. i'm not too good with cutting time

[send message]

Posted 16 Years Ago

hey you..
whats up.. aww thanks for the kind comment..
you are a doll
I always appreciate your time and effort
Posted your poem "liberty
see ya in a snip of a tad..

[send message]

Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey sweet
chillin.. this and that..
Thanks for the line
hope all's well with you.