Some Characters are introduced.
I held my head up high,holding back tearsI dare that I will never cry.Not in front of them . . .But tell me how can Inot for the life of the Lambwhen ..
Title explains it all.
Our parents sometimes look worn out and drab but on that one occasion you see, hear feel and understand when they get the twinkle in their eye, the fl..
I remember when I use to hear voices, laughter, hearty man to man talk, but do you hear that now? The silence is beautiful but it would be better if t..
Everything was for you, the sky, the flowers, the sea Maybe the stars, the gems, the very thing that I owned since birth fo..
Also known as The Confessions of a Lost Girl,this book is written in first-person narrative diary format. It's about a teenage girl who does not know ..
One of the few presidents with logical, poetic and inspirational quotes.
Read More at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/a/abraham_lincoln
I hosted a contest "Shortest horror" story a few weeks ago so I decided to give it a shot myself. It's more of a suspense but hopefully some creepines..
The Hunting Game Part II