Gosia : Writing

Chapter 20: The traveler from the other world

Chapter 20: The traveler from the other world

A Chapter by Gosia

Thoen Stronghold, Farn Dukedom Before paying a visit to the priest Arnstein, the old witch from the Riada Swamp stopped by the farmers&rs..
Chapter 21: The demon's heart

Chapter 21: The demon's heart

A Chapter by Gosia

The chase after the witch continued, having taken its toll on the members of Aedain’s group. Eren couldn’t hold his eyes open and wa..
Chapter 22: Secret of the Scroll

Chapter 22: Secret of the Scroll

A Chapter by Gosia

May’s lids were getting heavier as sun rays were making her feel blissfully warm and relaxed, the voices of Eren and the little Laismarans w..
Chapter 23: A tale from long ago

Chapter 23: A tale from long ago

A Chapter by Gosia

The bright light of stars was reflecting in crystal clear waters of An Eachain, called by humans Eral River. The moons were barely visible as it w..
Chapter 24: Fight for freedom

Chapter 24: Fight for freedom

A Chapter by Gosia

It was still dark when the sound of sharpening the axe woke May from her sleep. She mentally cursed Baltar for being so loud and tried to get ba..
Chapter 25: Race to the Riada Swamp

Chapter 25: Race to the Riada Swamp

A Chapter by Gosia

May and Eren rode for three hours without a break. The difficulties of the murderous journey proved to be too much for the farmer’s horse ..
Chapter 26: To the Tower

Chapter 26: To the Tower

A Chapter by Gosia

“Hello, May,” Slowly, May turned around, mortified. A few feet from her stood no one other than Aedain, glaring at her with raw ..
Chapter 27: A narrow escape

Chapter 27: A narrow escape

A Chapter by Gosia

May bent in half and was panting heavily, trying to catch a breath. After a while she straightened her back to see a skinny, gray-haired elderly..
Chapter 28: Back at home

Chapter 28: Back at home

A Chapter by Gosia

May was staring at the sapphire necklace, she was clutching in her palm. She smiled bitterly �" her little friend Eren didn’t ..
Chapter 29: The Dragon's Wrath

Chapter 29: The Dragon's Wrath

A Chapter by Gosia

Riada Swamp, Callesmere Empire Dust filled the chamber, the debris were flying all around Eren’s head. The boy grabbed May’s ..