A rewrite of an older poem.
Merry children
dance and sing;
gifts tied
with simple string.
Far cries echo;
snow chills.
Before the storm,
wind stills.
Just some prose that I had written after taking a walk with my mom and dog. Originally written July 30, 2007.
My first witnessing of heat lightning, at 12:30am (-_-). Originally written July 3, 2006.
I love to watch thunderstorms. :) This is an oldie, from back when I tended not to use punctuation. Originally written February 28, 2004.
Originally written July 13, 2007.
Good ol' writer's block. Originally written August 5, 2007.
Prompt: Nature Love. Originally written August 9, 2007.
This is based off a video I watched called Zeitgeist. Originally written July 24, 2007.