r u n
from the
h o r i z o n
w i t h t h e s e
words that lead me onwards
to the truth of my e x i s t e n c e
but the road g r o w s e..
There's a word
that came by,
very gently,
one night,
and I can't remember your name.
There's a feeling
I felt.
early morning,
one day,
Written to describe a black and white photo of a wintry scene, but with more in mind, I think.
Possibly a slightly unreal view of the power of the sun....
If there's a star out there,
Can I sit in your flame?
A place where I can bask
in your gaze
with no name.
A harvest moon,
a ray of sun,
Paddling on
a briny sea
of all our tears
Casting for crystals,
Boats made of orchestras
Rafts of memories,
Seem to sink
I try to heal the world today
from high,
as I go floating gently,
on a breeze.
And my breath goes up softly,
like a kite,
to ..
I don’t know if
This pane
In or out,
Cut to pieces,
Held up for a while,
Ignored completely
Painted over,
Why would I think I am nobody?
That flew
through me
like a knife.
Then I thought,
at least I'm not
ANY body,
and EVERY body
The strange presence of nature, carrying on regardless...