One day after walking one dayThe middle of MarchI spied a young ladyWho drew first a sparkLater that nightShe held out a hand(I held on tight)She care..
Why find you so sullen?it's of no regret to seeyou beacon of blasphemywhen all I's want isone shorttoken of indulgency.Frequent my lifeift you do but ..
Tongues of Ancients, still and strong, As glints the blade this wintry morn.Veiled but clear wilt be ere long 'Pon gails of time the voice is borne.A ..
Corpses rage violently on.Bubble wrapped and swollen.Happiness groped and guarded Never grasped.Endless pursuit for ripe permutationsThat will envelop..
You have a vibrancy I cannot contain.You have an appeal that is alarming And calming.You shall carry on it with it.I will not stop your flow.But if in..