Hurt Me Aug 19, 2007 - Oct 31, 2007 Win $0.00, 500 words of praise on my Myspace and on that I will write, heralding your piece and why it was better than the competition. Its a small, but potentially effective, means of exposure.
Hey thanks for allowing me to help you find yourself lol. I have a lot of flaws too. I've done a lot of bad things, and they make me who I am. All those bad things are there for a reason. Besides I like to over analyze everything included myself. Yes they may call that vanity, but who cares, I love and hate myself for numerous reasons. So what ;) hope you're having a good night.
Thank you Geoff, yeah I give the sea a hard time sometimes in my writes (although not in that write),,, but really I do love the sea side =) ,, I know what you're saying.