Mati : Writing

The Duoy Document (Rough Draft)

The Duoy Document (Rough Draft)

A Book by Mati

A mysterious young boy consumed with vengeance will uncover a plot that will alter the future of the Languedoc forever. Assassinations, espionage, dec..
Those Who Drink the Dark

Those Who Drink the Dark

A Chapter by Mati

Power often belongs to the few and the fate of the many are left to the mercy of their design.
The Black Oath

The Black Oath

A Chapter by Mati

Pain often plants a dark seed in the minds of lesser men.
A Promise Broken

A Promise Broken

A Chapter by Mati

Any fool can utter a word. But words that bare the fruit of action, is wisdom-sublime.
The Alchemist

The Alchemist

A Chapter by Mati

Lies are often more convienant then truths.
Lion of the Languedoc

Lion of the Languedoc

A Chapter by Mati

"He who stands in the shadow of the father finds no relief."
Heart of the Hyral

Heart of the Hyral

A Chapter by Mati

Men are often unaware of their own secrets, expecially those they harbor deep within.
He That Knows Dies

He That Knows Dies

A Chapter by Mati

"Making enamies is easy. Just start asking questions."
The Grand Master Knight

The Grand Master Knight

A Chapter by Mati

"He who seeks solace seeks death."
In the City of Sails

In the City of Sails

A Chapter by Mati

What are dreams? The subconsious? The past? Or perhaps madness?