Glenn McCrary� : Writing

Caffeine + Insomnia = Prayer?

Caffeine + Insomnia = Prayer?

A Poem by Glenn McCrary�..

It's early in the morning And I can hear the sound Of rain pouring on the ground I couldn't sleep last night Too much was on my mind It's probabl..
The Baring Of My Soul

The Baring Of My Soul

A Poem by Glenn McCrary�..

My life used to be sweeter than an orange peel When I was younger and before I knew what was real All the little mistakes that I made when I was lit..
Acrostic Poem Of My Full Name

Acrostic Poem Of My Full Name

A Poem by Glenn McCrary�..

G uaranteed to put a smile on your face L istens to what you have to say E xciting person to hang out with N ice guy until put to the test N ever ..
Fantasy Town II

Fantasy Town II

A Poem by Glenn McCrary�..

Sequel poem to my poem Fantasy Town
Complaints And Confessions

Complaints And Confessions

A Poem by Glenn McCrary�..

I am so sick and tired Of being treated like a kid I am a grown man now and I shouldn't be treated like this I look around And I see people stari..
The Future

The Future

A Poem by Glenn McCrary�..

Who knows what it brings I just want to live my dream We'll just wait and see
Emotional Stress

Emotional Stress

A Poem by Glenn McCrary�..

I feel so empty Is there a reason why? Give me an answer
My Reflection

My Reflection

A Poem by Glenn McCrary�..

Take a good long look Is this who you want to be? Make it come to life
The Stars

The Stars

A Poem by Glenn McCrary�..

High above the sky Are shining ever so bright Oh how beautiful
Essence Of Music

Essence Of Music

A Poem by Glenn McCrary�..

Essence of music Floating through our tiny souls Makes us happier