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Glen Yumang Manese

Glen Yumang Manese


Fiat for Filipino Presidency

Follow me at Twitter tag: @GlenManese, St. Petersburg/Pittsburgh/Makati, Philippines
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About Me

Me in a nutshell:

I am currently, done with my first book of verses: The Onyx - Vena Amoris. Friesen Press finished in December and is out for release before the holidays at the end of the year 2013. This first book dedicated to my late mother, Eusebia Yumang Manese, a Leukemia survivor for 10 years and a mentor of my work as a teacher. I have a follow up with another book of verses: Luna & the Ra (finished) and a third one in the making. I just want to get my name out there with these appetizers with poetry and have an audience with readers and other fellow writers to see my potential. Finish the novel: De Novo and that is a wrap, may be, and go into the sequel with a second and possible trilogy. Publish my alter ego: Filipino American Dream Series I, II, III and IV are a question mark. The following for the Series has been encouraging and shown enthusiasm. I went a bit off the beaten path with the F.A.D. Series just to strengthen my creative muscle, much different than my comfort zone. Thanks for your time and becoming friends here at Writers Café.

Follow me on Twitter tag: @GlenManese


I hope I do not develop the anti-writer syndrome. The basic aspect of a writing sight is giving an analysis of one’s work, grows as a writer.

May be once you reach stardom with being is a bona fide author. You frown upon those that are not at equal level or at that point just enjoy the fruits of their labor. I do not ask for reading request for that fact alone for a reply of my work. If the work is good then the work is good. If narrative is bad, verse will show for the value of the intent. I am going to do my best to give a review to each and everyone here.

No sugar coating, but what is really on my mind. That comes out as good or bad, just my opinion and the writer/reviewer can decide to object or accept. I believe if you are old enough to come here and expose your writings, be ready to know what is coming your way, bad or good. That is what makes writers bud from a seed to a flower, a plant, or a tree. Whichever, path they choose to be on the road of becoming as a scribe of the written word.

About me if you wish to read more:

After, completion of his first collection of verses, "The Onyx - Vena Amoris", in the making and soon to be in a book. He is in the process of finishing another series of verses: Luna & the Ra ~ Collection of Verses and completing the end chapters of his novel: De Novo. In addition, working on his alter-ego (A.k.a. Filipino American Dream) of lyrical verses, titled A. K. A. Filipino American Dream Series: Unscripted © 2015, A. K. A. FAD Style Series II: Thrilla in Manila © 2015, A.k.a. F.A.D. Series III: Shogun © 2015. and A. k. a. F. A. D. Series IV: Atomic Number 82 © 2015. Also, in the market for a literary agent and record producer to promote his work.

(Dated: 8 October 2021)

[Note: These are unedited versions of writings & finished versions are held by the author strictly. Please be advised that the materials are copyright © 2015 all rights reserved by Glen Yumang Manese and any use of said items be asked by the author. Thank you and enjoy your reading pleasure here on his Writer's Cafe site. E-mail address is listed below.]

[email protected]

Glen Yumang Manese was born and reared in the Philippine Islands on June 28, 1974. At the age of six, with the immigration of his parents, Ciceron Feliciano Manese and the late Eusebia Yumang Manese moved to the United States on January 26, 1981, with his siblings; older sister, Maricar and later younger sister, Penafrancia, due to legal paper work, she would arrive a few years later, since her birth was on the same year. He has two other sisters and a brother located back in the Philippines and the U. S., their names included: Malou, Maureen, and Ciceron, Jr., respectively.

After, graduating New Castle Senior High School in 1993, located in Pennsylvania. He would join the U. S. Marine Corps in September of the same year and complete basic training at Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina, serving for four years active and four active reserves, while taking college lessons during his tour of duty. In doing so had the opportunity to travel the world, while serving with the Marines.

Currently, works as a full-time writer. His book in the making, "De Novo", written at the young age of thirteen years old and is nearing completion to finish the book.

In addition, write his unique style with influences in the literature world of his predecessors, without elaborating; the likes of William Shakespeare, Dante Alighieri and a selective number not mentioned.

In questions are about music, television and media. First, and foremost, let us talk about music. Any variety will do, as long as the words give the person a feedback to understanding the meaning of their work. Each one of us is different. What is music to my ears maybe noise to another?

"The hardest attempt to tune is a closed mind."

A quote by Glen Yumang Manese

He rarely watches the news on television and will make space for movies. The news only likes to put bad events and propaganda (90 percent), but not all. The influence is not of his interest and does listen to AM talk radio, instead. If he does, the preferred channels are Travel, History, Discovery, and Animal Planet.

The rest are just not worth the time and effort, but he also clicks the remote to Sports, MTV, and CMT. On occasion, curiosity kills the cat and does the quick scan.

On other matters of books, that is just another long list of headaches. He would say his hero was the teaching of the late Eusebia Yumang Manese, a mother and teacher, not much known of his father.

In elaborating on his novel, "De Novo", he would like to make available for viewing the prologue of the story line and the painstaking aspect to bring a form of combining storytelling with a mixture of poetry to give the work of his lifelong goal a touch of brilliance. Now without further ado:

De Novo © 2015
Written by Glen Yumang Manese


From the water's edge, before the cascades, on the cliffs, and waves crashing on the rocks below overlooking the entire ocean in view of the eyes to see such scenery within distant horizon of hues sky’s blue arrays. Lighthouse above, a picture so moving, a time to daydream, and a radiant scene in focus to each blink of the eyelids within corner’s eye to the windmills spinning in unison, but a whirlwind breeze could not for a moment falter in her abundance. In looking at the gardens of sequence, afar and structures of flowers would give picture a scenic understanding of the detail in plain sight with so many ways to express words, emotions, and feelings, but these will create her in every aspect, to beauty, yes, to a longing beauty. In uncovering the secrets, which lie in this place and immersed by the sea. Tower beholds clues, answers, and truth to the past in bringing back to life and gives the forgotten memories to the world.

There lived a man and a woman also on this very soil. A marriage remained untouched and unbound by their presence. They built this eternal place, but a bond taken from him and would finish alone with each stone recreating her image for she is the undying figure in the end. In his hands carving each line, curve, blemish, and down to the very follicle of her hair. This was about undying love, but a gift of his heart, soul, and mind undisclosed in her immortal memory. Never some days go by, rain, snow, sleet, or hail would halter his determination in progress. Storm after storm, he would not give to rest and slowly the artist within was showing through his work, but a masterpiece was unfolding; before him. Purpose was coming to life and transforming the abilities, which will make his life a work of art becomes artist at the end.

In searching the ocean floor to give her brilliance for pearl, coral, seashells and such so she would not to be mistaken by any other woman, but with devotion unmatched by his eyes. A true monument of years and decades would have passes, but the older his age. The more relentless he would become knowing that his time is coming, but a belief the heavens would not take him, until the work was complete. In the determination, enhance by the perils of the world, the influence of family, and friends in the collapse of the passion in his heart to finish, until the final breath of his existence.

Precious moments, memories, and happy life with her would come back, but his mind would wonder at times. In remembering her grace, the way she would dance, her laughter, and notion she was at ease with content, but her affection, yes, affection would bring tears, joy, and sorrow mixed into one. Simple memories could ease a simple man, but so complex to do the impossible and at peace with no one to converse, but living in isolation. Sounds of his domain would give to being truly alone and tire, but the sounds kept him at bay.

One day, misjudgment took him. In slipping and falling, but crashing onto the ground. He laid there unconscious, but seemingly telepathically see her in the clouds waving him toward her in his mind. This is the moment of all moments to be together again with no more pain just as life remained, before untouched, unbounded, and no distraction, just the two of them. In regaining the moment again, looking down the unfinished work, his body laid beside the final testament. Can this be the awaited aftermath? An ending to the termination.

Sky turns in quickness to darkness. Storm begins and reality awakens his bleeding body. Weakness in him abounds still lying there helplessly, but conscious in being delusional, a depression, and feeling of mercifulness, yet not taken. Hearing her voice, yes, and her voice can bring me back to my feet, but give me a reason to believe a chance once again that I might breathe. In telling me, life has not gone all wrong that looking at you I can still be a whole. Truth, in you, a truth to go on the distance and truth life has given me nothing. Lie governs and keeps me. Storm subdues anger and his eyes closed again to nothingness.

Day becomes bright once more and he continues aging still to lonely time. Stones taking a toll, but his artwork become him. There is no finish line in sight and each detail of her image consumes his lifeline. Vision of perfection would rise to colossal imagery conveying the means with his hands, but glistering for all the worlds to gaze and marvel through the ages, which would take soon of his life. Final etching written and the end is drawing near, but he would inscribe these words:

Let me not know when love ends with each droplet of tears pour gently on this paper. Lover gone by faith, but weakens in my heart left in existence. In my arms lies the beauty of bitters to the sweet of my lady, before the last breath expires from within her last voice, the cherished word love. Shock endures my mind into chaos. Shall we meet again in the heavens, but takes my soul, my lord, also without hesitation? Pleads of conceit by your own creation, but do not hold this against me a sole pain mortally upon my flesh with a thousand or more days of punishment in isolation to a test of my love and manhood? Only then will this spirit has the will to suffer, until death comes knocking at my door and cast death upon this condemned soul as my words are marked in writing so as not to lie. Love may have ends by mortals, but the will goes beyond a mortal body and the immortality of love untouched by my inner-self, but an eternal flame burns forever.

Above the clouds, wherever God may have taken your soul a place no mortal man can penetrate, but the desire within the heart may overcome. Some rages in madness my limbo mind does wish to speak, but rage, rage, and rage fills the very soul that weeps and give me the right to eternal sleep! Thought of loneliness is an immoral act against a creator, but a judgment respectful of a devil! Take my words in vain, but my God forgives my offensive voice in a moment anger will cease existence.

Here on earth is your remembrance and slowly, does my mind flashback to our times, before this moody day. As clear as the light and warmth cast by the sun in the open fields of numerous flowers. We strolled and laughed hand in hand never in the disturbance of others. Tranquility of courtship left to remain with a couple. Nature is left untouched to grow wild in abundance. Time in courtship means nothing! Therefore, this present day never commends memory! A selfish thief takes by want, but reckons no need, therefore young to die my dear. Angel of death comes too early. Leaves come to birth in spring and wilt to nothing in the autumn breeze, but renew the next season. In this by God, my lover gone and her life put to cease as life gives only a chance. A droplet of tears for our love, another for my sorrow, sadness declared in moments and time remembered.

Time as children was decades ago, but only innocence ruled between our friendship to grow into this relationship and life had no problems. Day gone in the past meant nothing, but how would my heart word such a priceless meaning in the present day? Piercing pain comes suddenly, but time is unchanged by me. If given God's power to change this mourning of my grief another chance would be paradise, but twice deaths are double the anguish and suffering is an event experienced only once. What hides in her flesh and blood of my dear, departs, which lies in an eternal sleep? Flesh shows no trace of illness a waste of her beauty, but a picture of perfection forever through my dreary eyes.

Lock is soon to be sealed and condemned by lost. Concealed, a blind man and relish nothing more precious. Blood turns red, my veins in a pool too dark. Depression departs by many, but deep as an abyss in the depths of any sea will serve a just equal. Third tear turns to ice and rains into pieces upon the earth, but another descend as image of your beauty slowly turning to dust. Distant trail is a dimension from life to death. Dimension so far to the living, but the living alone answers and questions for lost existence, but wills must be done for a given purpose.

These burns too close a fire to comprehend, an attraction too dear, a life experienced too short, and a reality too real. Search into endless space and time will bring no other to spark a gleam of your beauty in this mortal world. Vault be sealed and inscribed, a lover's name, a last touch of feeling and a kiss farewell. In this by God, keep her now and curse not my words, but forgive the acts against a creator and wash them from my parting thoughts. This place left without disgrace, but hold such sorrow within the heart. Air is moist, a sudden change in weather, a drop of fresh rain, another, another, and another, but a sign she is well.


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Posted 3 Years Ago

Wishing you a wonderful New Year filled with friends, family and everything you enjoy. Blessings of peace, love and prosperity in the coming year. F.

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Posted 5 Years Ago

Thanks for stopping by to visit my humble page. I appreciate your time. Having some chamomile tea with honey just now and relaxing. A toast to good friends and good writing. Cheers.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I read you poem Sister very heart wrenching

and an honor to read and I left you a comment

Blessings. Benita hope you're having a lovely Afternoon

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kindness, support and encouragement you have given me. Appreciation from an accomplished writer such as you is much cherished and valued. This is to just let you know how much you have helped me in my writing...A big thanks!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I just came back from holidays and see that you not only stopped by but you literally left your say thank you does not seem enough for your time. But thank you. I am deeply appreciative of your words and thoughts and will be returning the kindness very soon indeed. blessings to you and your family....and your upcoming new addition.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Hello Glen! Thank you for those amazing insights on my writes..:)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Glen, my friend, thank you for being a writer, and for explaining all beneath every review I gave you thus far, good you explain it.

I will come by for more after my travels this weekend, and try to read the books, within time.

Kind regards,

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Just wanted to stop by and thank you for all your reviews. That you took the time was very much appreciated and I am looking forward to reading more of your work as well.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Sweet Sunday for you my friend!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Wishing you a Happy 4th of July, my sweet friend!

Enjoy the fireworks!~xoxo~:)

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