As the Autumn continues to claim more of Ohmgar's forested realm, he meets by chance (or perhaps destiny)as silver dragons named Tesia, and together t..
when Ohmgar meets a silver dragon named Tesia for the first time, they decide to go and meet their dragon king, an adventure they have no idea will le..
A scene narrated by Aristotle of the atheistic order.
a scene narrated by Aristotle of the atheistic order.
In a world torn between light and darkness, heaven and hell, a single woman who has now real idea of the great power lieing dormant within her, finds ..
After a night of thieving and lizard racing, Garret stumbles on to a murder scene which then marks him for death by the assassins guild.
With Garret's life now threatened by a death warrent placed on his head for a murder he did not commit, he now races against to clear his own name.
With the feeders now cornered (though his prey had not known it yet) The "Silver Fox" prepares to deal death to ones that would deal it to others.
As Alison attempts to put out of action the dreaded feeder haven of "The blood room" she enlists the help of both Sashai and Tela.
As Alison awakens, her mind retraces her steps as she searched for a way to locate "The blood room" and what it took to find it.