GivingGold : Writing

It's Those Two Words: FORCED MARRIAGE

It's Those Two Words: FORCED MARRIAGE

A Book by GivingGold

I was thinking of writing this for the longest time!
Character Profiles

Character Profiles

A Chapter by GivingGold

Tell me what you think!!
The Reason

The Reason

A Chapter by GivingGold

As I shoved the key into the ignition, a furious expression painted my face. I was leaving school two hours before normal for some "important" thing..
The Meeting

The Meeting

A Chapter by GivingGold



A Chapter by GivingGold

Why do goodbyes hurt?

Why do goodbyes hurt?

A Chapter by GivingGold

"Hi, mommy," I whispered demonstratively, rubbing her shoulder to wake her up. It was 3:55 AM. The worst day ever. My father flipped to his left si..


A Chapter by GivingGold

"I forgive you," my mouth blurted out as I rested my broken hand in my lap, which was now covered in a black cast.Trevor looked at me with thankful ey..


A Chapter by GivingGold

Rise 'n shine!


A Chapter by GivingGold

MMh hmm, go relatives!
Relatives (Part 2)

Relatives (Part 2)

A Chapter by GivingGold

Trevor's P.O.V:The moment the words escaped her mouth, I cringed back, my shoulder blades brushing against the light colored wall. Stupid Drake, he ..

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