You tell me there are rulesYou tell me they are so important to followBut rules don't keep me warm at night And rules don't feed my hungry stomachI wa..
I was born In darknessBut raised in the lightChosen to be an agent of the brightBut now I know were I came fromYou say I'm meant for so much moreBut h..
"Hey! That's not right," they scream"Yeah, I know. It's not supposed to be," you quietly replyBut they're louder and more shrillSo they take it down a..
What you have to say is so important What You think so much greater than what has come beforeYou use such pretty wordsYou think your intelligence mean..
So many give up what is preciousFor earthly things and fleshly pleasuresThey think not of what will come from immortalityNot one calculates in his sou..
I have been many thingsI have fallen every timeAnd yet I rise againBut this time I refuse to walk the same wayI have knelt before the god of tradition..
I want you to love meI wantr you to carebut I don't think you know what that meansI am filled with regretsI am possessed with fear and lossI am drench..