Gideon X. A. Elson : Writing

Always concomitant

Always concomitant

A Story by Gideon X. A. Elson

Just nonsense I wrote pondering some of life's questions
From each grace

From each grace

A Poem by Gideon X. A. Elson

It happens to all of us eventually. Each with its own unique beauty tried to capture some of that here.
Kiss of Champagne

Kiss of Champagne

A Poem by Gideon X. A. Elson

Aren't all the greatest works inspired by love? Anyway here's a short one by me.
The call to the Void

The call to the Void

A Poem by Gideon X. A. Elson

This is a poem that I've re written from another I wrote in 2009 ... its an emotionally written piece centered around one's place in life without purp..

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