Justaman : Writing

The thought process

The thought process

A Story by Justaman

The thought process: On a wearisome, typical stroll through the neighboring forest, I was caught within the act of meditational festivity although, it..
Life as it is complexly

Life as it is complexly

A Story by Justaman

you arent any of that, its them who cant handle what "they" truly are, what they are is something so disgusting that they cant possibly live without t..
Evolutionary biology ( free stlye )( unedited) Mostly everything i write is unedited.

Evolutionary biology ( free stlye )( unedited) Mos..

A Story by Justaman

just imagine how good my writings would be if i actually edited them.
My masks(this entire poem is a manipulative lie; you c***s would believe it.)

My masks(this entire poem is a manipulative lie; y..

A Story by Justaman

[10/9/2013 9:24:47 PM] David shaneyfelt : i love you too taylor, ive thought about you and wondered why youve left so much thinking that maybe you did..
Real poetry

Real poetry

A Poem by Justaman

you just said you've lost nothing but your mind,but could you please redefine the thinness of that thin sentences line,something' in you is substantia..
Thought process

Thought process

A Story by Justaman

I think constantly, and as i do i cannot cause my thoughts to make a singular connection, they are continuously moving in constant brain blasts, that ..
This is who I am

This is who I am

A Poem by Justaman

i keep remembering the reality of myself,that only reality is you,in no type 0 perspective idiotic i cony way either,in the only way that "is" what ca..
Blade of

Blade of

A Poem by Justaman

The blade of fate lay over my neck forceful and blatant Cold But withered like a willow tree whistling like a ravenBlack and sharpened with the thorn..
We are all books( from my poemhunter profile: Daegonius Bonapartea.) Age 16-written

We are all books( from my poemhunter profile: Daeg..

A Poem by Justaman

We are all books. And each in us are pages whether wrinkled, torn, fabricated or freshly formed.On each page is the ink of our life and the images..
The articulate writer: Remember Daegonius bonapartea; yes that's me.

The articulate writer: Remember Daegonius bonapart..

A Poem by Justaman

I am daegonius Bonapartea; you "will" learn your place and mine eventually. I am the best poet on the earth.