Madam Bu

Madam Bu


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Martinsburg, WV
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About Me

I do not accept random friend requests.
Thank you, though. <3 It's just personal preference.

DRABBLE means I won't be continuing this work.
EXCERPT means you should read the Authors Comments first for a little backstory - cause it will be out of place and have loose ends
EH? - means feedback will decide whether it gets moved to Drabble or not.

I'm non-religious.
I'm still highly spiritual.
I can feel sympathy for murderers.
There's only a year before I'm not a teenager.
Over a year ago, I dropped out of high school.
No, I didn't get pregnant.
If I had to pick, Pride would be my sin.
I'm a person of very little tolerance.
Yet I have lots of patience.
Any man in uniform has my respect.
Straight, but I love looking at the ladies.
Writing is my passion.
Only the deepest love will persuade me to marry.
Which is why I will likely die alone.
I'm pessimistic.
To date, I've finished one book.
It was a clusterfuck. I was fourteen.
My first publication happened when I was fifteen.
You'll see a lot of pictures of my cat, Oliver.
Long walks relax me.
There are certain songs that relax me instantly.
I don't date. Not now, anyway.
Because I don't believe love - real, true love - happens at my age.
I'm a private person.
While not someone you want angry,
I'm actually very friendly at heart.
There's a lot I'll probably never tell you.
But know that I will try.