Gh0st : Writing

Feelings After Love.

Feelings After Love.

A Poem by Gh0st

In the space between making love and falling asleep,there are a variety of feelings and thoughts that sometimes don't get enough attention. This is a ..
Quiet Please.

Quiet Please.

A Story by Gh0st

A little peace and quiet was all he wanted.
Mourning Light

Mourning Light

A Poem by Gh0st

She lies awake while the city sleeps,Another fight that leaves her weak.Unanswered questions rule her mind.Unquestioned answers make her cry.Her eyes ..


A Story by Gh0st

It could have all been a dream, or even the delusions of a fevered mind.. but what if it were true?
A Ghost in Disguise.

A Ghost in Disguise.

A Poem by Gh0st

A story was told, and they hung on your every word. But do they know that your words were half truths and full lies?