When you feel the cold wings of the airCaressing joyful dew drops on your hair,When your sight is set freeIn a wild blink of rebellious glee...In a ti..
Welcome, welcome back...I was expecting your return,Lied on my grave of black.Enter, don't be a foolish shyFor our tales long to burn,Burn to pieces, ..
I often find my spiritIn the silence of the treesDrawn on a canvas of late October.My walks have led meTo a strange, cold scene -I close my eyes, tend..
Laments and shoutsHarsh words and strangled throutsSlamed doors, hurting doubts...This is how I will always remember you.Green irises on blankets of r..
Frightening silencePainted on ragged wallsWet air stuck in dry lungsMuddy fingers on the floor,The scent of pain in every bone,Tired eyes washed in du..
White skinMolded in black lightCrystal tearsFaded in dark wine -Innocent fearsCrypted in a muddy dawn,White, white veilsOf the black, black soul.Sooth..
"Forgive me, Father…for I have sinned" This is how all my thoughts beginTheir ritual of villain regrets and sorrows.They come, they lie, they s..
Strange piecesGather from all around.Put piece near piece,Then something takesShape from the gritty ground.Pour sadnessAnd nightly haunting thoughts i..
How can I learn how to flyWhen all the skyBelongs to you?How can I learn how to speakWhen all the words seekYou and only you?How can I learn how to sm..
Insomnia has its advantages...