March 26th 2017
All rights reserved.
When I blinkI tender the grey cloudsThe soft movements,Gentle the fierce wounds -Grinding memoriesWith my bare hands,Too dense and bleak.When I walk b..
I heard a heart beat When I crossed the street,And I saw a face,Who longed for an embrace.A strange entityUnknown identityTraveller of infinitySome so..
A collaboration with my friend Miruna
Today the air is enlightened - Rich in velvet echoes,Urging me to embrace the outside.Where colours play loudAnd I was plain white.... the sun looked ..
First attempt of writing after a long while of silence..
The dawn has this textureOf long endured painsWith perfume of silent dusks. For how long will the wind ventureBetween long forgotten remains,With scen..
I remember the imageOf the bathroom floor.Mosaic of razorblades,The chains of regrets,The pain one forgets -Lighting the stained glass.Tears decompose..
I'm walking on rivers...The black riversFlowing from my mind.Flowing and growing,With the speed of light,In filthy logic, senselessly...Like words in ..
Gravity...Has the guilt of my everything.Forbiding the only chance to be free,Chaining my thoughts to the ground.Hysterical laughs on charcoal leaves ..