C. Johnson

C. Johnson


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About Me

I'm an artistic soul, using visuals to convey how I truly feel. I love history and love it even more so when portrayed right. I love eclectic styles and vintage french posters. Old coins, unconventional guests, and empty picture frames entertain me. I love the works of Cassat, Ingres, Velazquez, Hopper, Dali, and Da Vinci. The beach beckons to my soul as do the cobblestone alleys of countries afar. I try to be humble enough to stay guiltless yet outspoken enough to criticized. Say what degrading mindless chatter will about me, I care not. I hate people you try to impress their own beliefs upon others. I'm happy being myself, and I won't conform just because you expect me to. That's for the husbands of Stepford... drinking the Kool-Aid wasnt fun anyways. Still, would love to hear from you


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Posted 16 Years Ago

I stumbled upon your name in my newsfeed today.

I don't know you. I don't know who friended who. But I stumbled upon your page, read your bio, and was extremely intrigued.

So, hello, stranger. :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

didn't lose anything. glad you like the poem so much. did you lose anything? i've been out of writing time for the last couple of weeks, I'll get back to it soon, I hope.

love to chat more later.
