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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Fav. Activities: sleeping, day-dreaming, writing
Fav. Things to Write About: demons falling in love with mortals (or other way around), not helping who a person falls in love with, and just random stuff
Where I usually get my Inspiration: when it's completely unrelated to the time/place I'm at or the subject at hand & (surprisingly) school most often times

I don't really like telling about myself. I'd rather have someone read my story and comment than make a friend. Don't get me wrong. It's fun to make friends, but what I need is critique. Then again, I guess that comes with having I have to think about that.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you for an exceptional review.
That was a very real story.
I will write you more later, but thank
you .
----- Eagle Cruagh

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Posted 16 Years Ago

"Come, my childe, and walk with me into oblivion."