feel like a soldier, shell-shocked. The
sky is blue, the buildings old and long in their suffocating beauty, the cute
shingled caps on sixth..
Paranoid Wasp picks at the scab of race construction in America. Written by a solitary inmate suffering from paranoia, the novel asks Who is Afraid? a..
When Suzie-Q woke up, she wondered why she was sleeping on the floor. Suzie-Q wondered if she had fallen off her bed. Then she remembered. She felt..
Suzie-Q was bored. Alice was chewing on her hair. Suzie-Q thought Alice was ugly and naïve. Alice believed in stupid things like dispensationa..
On Mondays, Suzie-Q took piano lessons. Alice’s Mom drove Suzie-Q, in return for Suzie-Q’s Dad driving Alice to her youth group during Mr..
In the morning Ruth
told Suzie-Q to just keep babysitting her kids like she had been.
They’d talk about it more in the evening...
The door once shut,
a suburban night reigned invisible. Nothing moved.
Her breath tufted fast in respiratory shorts as she heard h..
Saturday, September 12,
I am sitting in a concrete jail
cell. I finally got paper.
Pen to the paper, hard truth to the
Suzie-Q went in her bedroom and shut the door.
Suzie-Q stood looking at the door. Suzie-Q breathed out
steel. He’s never gon..
Dear Ruth,
I'm sorry you had to see me that way. This last lapse was too much for
me. I think I've paid enough for other people's s..